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What counts toward salesforce CPU limits?

Salesforce imposes CPU limits to ensure that its servers are not overloaded with requests from a single user or organization. The limits vary depending on the Salesforce edition, but they typically allow for up to 60,000 Apex execution units per 24-hour period. This means that an organization can make up to 60,000 calls to Salesforce APIs within a 24-hour period without exceeding its CPU limit.

There are 20 things that count towards your CPU limit, including:

1) Making API calls: 

Any time you make a call to a Salesforce API, it counts as one Apex execution unit. This includes calls made using the SOAP API, REST API, Bulk API, and Streaming API.

2) Running Apex triggers: 

Each time an Apex trigger is executed, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

3) Sending email via Apex: 

Every time you send an email using Apex, it counts as two Apex execution units.

4) Executing Visual force controllers and components: 

Each time a Visual force controller or component is executed, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

5) Making calls to external web services: 

Any time you make a call to an external web service from Apex, it counts as five Apex execution units.

6) Running scheduled jobs: 

Each time a scheduled job is executed, it counts as 20 Apex execution units.

7) Generating PDFs: 

Generating a PDF from a Visual force page counts as 10 Apex execution units.

8) Executing batch jobs: 

Each time a batch job is executed, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

9) Using Salesforce1 offline: 

When using Salesforce1 offline, each operation (such as creating, updating, or deleting a record) counts as two Apex execution units.

10) Refreshing Sandbox copies: 

Refreshing a sandbox copy counts as 200 Apex execution units.

11) Running tests: 

Each time a test is run, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

12) Making calls to the chatter API: 

Making calls to the Chatter API from Apex counts as two Apex execution units.

13) Making calls to the metadata API: 

Making calls to the Metadata API from Apex counts as two Apex execution units.

14) Making calls to the workflow API: 

Making calls to the Workflow API from Apex counts as one Apex execution unit.

15) Querying data: 

Each time you query data using SOQL or SOSL, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

16) DML operations: 

Each time you insert, update, merge, delete, or undelete a record, it counts as one Apex execution unit.

17) Retrieving records: 

When you retrieve records using SOQL or SOSL, it counts as two Apex execution units.

18) Creating records: 

When you create records using the UI, Apex, or a Web service, it counts as two Apex execution units.

19) Updating records: 

When you update records using the UI, Apex, or a Web service, it counts as two Apex execution units.

20) Deleting records: 

When you delete records using the UI, Apex, or a Web service, it counts as two Apex execution units.


As you can see, there are a lot of things that count towards your CPU limit. It’s important to be aware of these so that you don’t exceed your limit and cause your organization to be throttled. If you’re not sure what is causing your limit to be exceeded, you can contact Salesforce support for help.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that count towards your CPU limit. It’s important to be aware of these so that you don’t exceed your limit and cause your Salesforce org to become unavailable.

If you need help keeping track of your CPU usage, consider using the Salesforce DX Developer Hub app. This app will help you monitor your org’s CPU usage and provides recommendations on how to stay within your limits.

As you can see, there are many things that count towards your Salesforce CPU limit. It’s important to be aware of these things so that you don’t exceed your limit and cause your organization’s Salesforce instance to become unresponsive. If you’re not sure what’s causing your CPU limit to be exceeded, you can contact Salesforce support for help.


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