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Protecting the Health of Farmworkers: 6 Ways to Pursue Compensation in Roundup Lawsuits

Farmworkers play a critical role in ensuring that food production meets the needs of a growing global population. However, they face significant health risks from exposure to toxic chemicals like glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, a popular herbicide used in agriculture. The long-term effects of glyphosate exposure can include cancer, liver disease, and other serious health issues.

Fortunately, farmworkers who have suffered harm from Roundup exposure may be entitled to compensation through legal action. This article explores six ways farmworkers can pursue compensation in such lawsuits, including joining class-action suits, filing individual claims, and working with experienced attorneys.

1. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is one of the essential steps farmworkers can take when pursuing compensation in Roundup lawsuits. With the rise of so many cases and claims, the rise of personal injury lawyers is also happening, which is helping them get all the resources to better manage a substantial lawsuit. 

However, according to IBISWorld, when revenue is calculated, the Personal Injury Lawyers & Attorneys market will be worth USD 58.6 billion in 2023, catering to this growing need for personal injury lawyers.

An experienced lawyer can help farmworkers navigate the complex legal system and ensure that their rights are protected. Look for a lawyer with experience in personal injury and toxic tort cases. These lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to help farmworkers build a strong case and pursue maximum compensation.

Moreover, choose a lawyer with a track record of success in similar cases. Ask for references and look for reviews online to get a sense of the lawyer’s reputation and track record. Also, make sure that the lawyer you choose is responsive and communicative.

2. Joining a Class-Action Lawsuit

If you are a farmworker who was exposed to Roundup and suffered health problems, joining a class-action lawsuit may be a viable option for securing compensation. Class-action lawsuits allow people with similar claims to combine their cases into a single lawsuit, increasing their chances of success and reducing legal costs.

In Roundup-related lawsuits, several class-action settlements have awarded millions of dollars to farmworkers who suffered from cancer and other illnesses due to glyphosate exposure.

Roundup lawsuit settlement amounts and payouts can vary depending on the severity of the injuries and the number of plaintiffs involved. TorHoerman Law, LLC explains these well on their website, which mentions that during the $11 billion Roundup settlement, the average payout amount was above $150,000 per person. Future Roundup claims will receive $1.25 billion as part of this historic settlement.

For the Roundup litigation, TorHoerman Legal, LLC, and similar businesses have years of expertise managing cases involving harmful drugs and defending people who have been hurt without fault.

The law firm can evaluate your case and determine if you meet the requirements for joining the class-action lawsuit. Once you have joined the case, you will be represented by the law firm and may be entitled to a share of any settlement or payout.

3. Filing an Individual Lawsuit

Unlike a class-action lawsuit, an individual lawsuit allows the plaintiff to pursue compensation independently rather than as part of a group.

Filing an individual lawsuit can provide greater control over the case’s outcome and may result in a larger payout if the plaintiff successfully proves their case. However, it can also be more complex and time-consuming than joining a class-action lawsuit, as the plaintiff must gather evidence and present their case individually.

The good news is that justice is being carried out and has benefited the people with adequate effort. As an illustration, according to Reuters, June 21 featured $25 million in damages paid in a case to California citizen Edwin Hardeman, a user of Roundup who blamed the weedkillers for his illness.

If you are considering filing an individual lawsuit, it is vital to consult with an experienced attorney who can help you assess the strength of your case and prepare for trial. Your attorney can help you gather evidence, depose witnesses, and present a strong case to the judge or jury.

4. Pursuing Compensation Through Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance that benefits employees who are injured or who become ill due to their job. To pursue compensation through it, farmworkers must first report their exposure to Roundup to their employer and seek medical attention.

They should also notify their state workers’ compensation agency and file a claim for benefits. If the claim is approved, farmworkers may be eligible for medical expenses, lost wages, and other benefits related to their illness or injury.

5. Pursuing Compensation Through a Settlement

Farmworkers exposed to Roundup may also be able to pursue compensation through a settlement with Monsanto. A settlement is an agreement between the plaintiff (the injured party) and the defendant (Monsanto) in which the defendant agrees to pay a certain amount of money in exchange for the plaintiff dropping their lawsuit.

The bigger issue is that many cases are still left and counting. As a result, the number of active Roundup lawsuits in 2022 was between 26,000 and 30,000. In state courts, the majority of cases have been filed. According to the Litigation Information Center, however, there are still over 4,000 claims in the MDL Roundup class action complaint ongoing in California.

Settlements can be a quicker and less costly way to pursue compensation than going to trial and can also provide greater certainty about the case’s outcome. However, it is essential to note that the compensation offered in a settlement may be lower than what could be obtained through a trial.

6. Pursuing Compensation Through Trial

In a trial, a judge or jury will hear evidence from both sides and decide whether Monsanto is liable for the plaintiff’s injuries and, if so, how much compensation should be awarded.

Going to trial can be a longer and more costly process than following a settlement, but it can also result in a larger payout if the plaintiff successfully proves their case.

Additionally, a trial can provide a public forum for holding Monsanto accountable for their actions and raising awareness about the dangers of chemical exposure in the workplace.

The Knowledge of One’s Legal Rights Is Crucial for Farmworkers

Farmworkers who have been exposed to Roundup and suffered health problems, as a result, have several options for pursuing compensation. First, they need to understand their legal rights and options and consult an experienced attorney who can help them navigate the legal process of getting the compensation they deserve.

By taking action and holding Monsanto accountable for their actions, farmworkers can help protect their health and safety, as well as that of others who may be at risk of chemical exposure in the workplace.


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