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Tips on Creating a Company Name

Coming up with a company name can be a challenge. The name must be easy to pronounce, spell, and remember, especially since it will remain with the company for its entire existence. People often come up with creative names to make them stand out, but it’s important to be aware of the various ways to create a company name effectively.

Here are some tips on how to create a memorable company name.

Use a Name Generator

One effective way to generate a catchy, unique company name is by using name generators like Turbologo. They allow you to enter two to several words, such as the name of the owner, specific location, subject of the activity, or main product, and will offer multiple suggestions for you to choose from. It’s helpful to use more than one generator and ask family and friends for their opinions.

Create the Name Yourself

If you want to create a name on your own, start by analyzing the industry vocabulary and writing down all the interesting proposals. After selecting the best ones, do a domain availability check and Google search to avoid using an already registered name. It’s also crucial to check the meaning of potential names in other languages.


Your company’s name impacts its success, and with the right name, it has a better chance of attracting customers. It’s essential to remember that a company’s name is sometimes the first impression in the market, so it should be a good business card. Therefore, creating a company name should be a thoughtful and strategic process.


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