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Hormones and Situational Depression: How can they be related?

Situation depression can be a debilitating condition. It usually occurs after something difficult, like losing a loved one. Job loss, illness, work difficulties and hormonal imbalances each contribute to its development.

If you suffer from situational depression, it can make everyday life very difficult. There are ways you can fight back and reclaim control over your life, though.

What Are the Symptoms?

Most of the time, people don’t know the symptoms of situational depression. So, they keep suffering without trying to get help. Each case has a unique set of symptoms, but a few of them are pretty common.

Common symptoms of situational depression may include:

  • feelings of sadness
  • anhedonia
  • frequent crying
  • difficulty concentrating
  • trouble meeting daily obligations
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • neglecting important responsibilities
  • suicidal ideation
  • rapid change in weight
  • insomnia or hypersomnia

What Causes Situational Depression?

Situational depression is an abnormal response to extreme stress, positive or negative. Anything that elevates stress could increase your odds of suffering from SD.

It’s common in people with combat experience, high-stress careers and terminal illnesses. You may notice it after going through a divorce or losing a job, too. Even issues with your coworkers at work or peers at school may contribute to it.

A previous history of mental health issues can also increase the odds of developing SD. If you had a difficult childhood, you might be at increased risk.

Common causes of situational depression include:

  • natural disasters
  • combat deployment
  • stressful careers
  • financial trouble
  • divorce
  • infidelity
  • children moving away
  • moving away from home
  • changing jobs
  • chemical abnormalities

How to Diagnose Situational Depression?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders defines situational depression. It states the disorder appears after someone within 3 months of a stressful life event.

To get a diagnosis, you’d have to see a specialist. However, they look for the signs listed in the DSM-5. If you feel more stress than usual, that could be a sign. When stress affects your personal and work life, it could be related to SD. They also look for symptoms that are unrelated to previous mental health issues.

What Helps to Avoid Situational Depression and Stay Positive?

Nowadays, doctors usually treat situational depression with a combination of therapy and medication. However, there are a lot of things you can do to decrease your odds of developing SD. In many cases, patients respond best if they add some of the following to their treatment regimen.

The Impact of Sports

Participating in sports is a great way to shield yourself against depression. Not only do you get a lot of exercise, but you also have a chance to socialize. Regular exercise has been shown to be as effective as SSRIs for mild depression. Plus, social support is linked with emotional resilience.

Healthy and Nutritious Diets

Our gut’s microbiome controls much of how we feel. By eating a nutritious diet, you’ll improve the composition of your gut flora. These bacteria help us create neurotransmitters and support a healthy metabolism. If you can eat something probiotic every day, it’s incredible for your gut health.

HGH Therapy and Hormone Balance

As we age, Growth hormone production begins to fall off naturally. Lowered levels of HGH have been shown to decrease our life satisfaction. By taking Growth hormone therapy, you can restore your body’s natural levels. Therapy can improve your sleep, skin condition, physical performance and mental health. To get legal HGH prescription and benefit from the treatment, please note that you will need to get checked and prove low levels of the hormone.

Stress Management and Meditation

Learning how to manage your stress is vital. Otherwise, daily struggles will continue to build until you’re overwhelmed by it all. Meditation is an easy way to control your stress levels, and it doesn’t take long. Simply set aside a few minutes each day to focus on your practice. If you can commit to regular meditation, it can lead to lasting decreases in your cortisol levels.

Social Life and Hobbies

Sitting around by yourself isn’t great for your mental health. In fact, one of the most common problems faced by seniors is social isolation. If you can find a hobby that involves other people, stick with it. It’ll give you a sense of purpose, and socialization is great for your mind.

General Health Conditions

Any health condition can have an impact on our mental health. If you don’t feel well, it’s hard to have a good outlook. That’s why it’s so important to take control of our health and focus on building good habits.

What Can Make Situational Depression Worse?

There are also plenty of things you can do to worsen SD. If you’re having a hard time, make sure to avoid the following. These all contribute to a worsened mood.

Poor Diet

Just like a healthy diet can improve your mood, a bad one can worsen it. Eating lots of processed foods can trigger inflammation in the gut, releasing cytokines. Inflammatory cytokines are often a contributing factor in cases of depression.


Spending too much time by yourself isn’t good for your mental health, either. Try to get a few hours each week around people you enjoy. Even if it’s only a few, each hour makes a difference.

Lack of Exercise

Exercise releases endorphins and endocannabinoids throughout the body. If we don’t exercise, we become deficient in them. That’s why a lack of activity can lead to increased odds of depression.

Too Much Stress

We can only handle so much stress before the body begins to give out. If you’ve been stressed for a long time, you have to slow down. When we continue working past the stress, it can lead to burnout.

Alcohol and Substance Use

Alcohol and substance use can both contribute to SD. Often, people use them to cope with symptoms, worsening their condition. Avoid alcohol and substances if you think you are suffering from situational depression. It only makes things worse.


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